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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schroniska dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Oświęcimiu

Hey, I'm Wnyczka. I weigh only 7kg, and I'm missing one of my paws because, once upon a time, some mean person set traps that I fell into. I struggled with those traps for so long that they took a piece of my paw. I was very afraid of people, so I suffered for a long time. One day, three ladies chased me for hours until I got tired, and they finally caught me. Now I know that they were my moms. I had the amputation surgery for the remaining bit of my paw and moved to the shelter. The pain and hunger are over, and I always have a full bowl of food and treats. But, except for my moms, I don't let anyone touch me, I don't trust strangers. That's why I've been living in the shelter for so many years.

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